Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Monday, May 3, 2010

50% Diaper-free

***some parents begin going diaper-free at birth, and the infants can initiate bowel movements on cue as young as 3 to 4 months, said Elizabeth Parise, spokeswoman of***

***Babies are born with an instinctive ability to signal when they have to answer nature’s call. Parents who practice the so-called “elimination communication” learn to read their children’s body language to help them recognize the need, and they mimic the sounds that a child associates with the bathroom.***

I feel a little embrassess after I have read the above article. It just because Eugene is already 19 months now but we still wear him diaper all the time! I wanted to train up Eugene to be a 'diaper-free' toddler. Of course, I cant imaging taking care of Eugene without diapers but at least 50% diaper-free from the day.

Well, maybe not so simple. It's actually a good amount of work, I need to track Eugene's pee time schedule and keep a little potty next to me all the time. I will always offer him to pee on 30 minute intervals. However, Eugene is refuse me everytime I ask him to pee. Few minutes later, Eugene pees on the floor. ***Aiyo***

Dont despair, times will prove that me and my boy can do it!