Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Our Little Maid

We had hired a new little maid - 'Beh Eugene'. :0) My little helper is able to help to do 3 type of houseworks: 1) wipe the floor 2) throw rubbish into the dustbin 3) tidy up his toys. ^.^

We still need to spend more time to train up him to be more independent as far as doing housework and other personal chores. He will also become more responsible.

In fact, Eugene is absorbed and learned thing very fast at his current stage. He obeys the instruction given most of the time. ie. He will follow our instruction to wipe his mouth/ hand if it is dirty and etc.

驚驚, 驚驚。。。

我家宝贝已一岁半了,但是胆量都没增加,还是一样胆小如鼠!1)打果机,吹风筒的声量大一点 - 裕晋一边用手拍着胸口一边喊着:“驚驚, 驚驚!”。2)让音乐电动车跑 - “驚驚, 驚驚!”。3) 让电动火车跑动 - “驚驚, 驚驚!”。唉哟!你真的‘生人不生胆’。。。唔驚,唔驚,唔嗮驚啦!
哈!新年期间,爆烛声。。。裕晋当然喊着:“驚驚, 驚驚!”。每晚都担心别户人家会放烟花,爆烛把裕晋吵醒!每当
烟花爆烛声响亮起,熟睡的裕晋就会立即起身喊着:“驚驚, 驚驚!"。




***4th Uncle's family visited us***

*** 妞妞 paid a visit to us***

***Attended Aida's Wedding***
*** MC's Girls Gathering***
*** Back to My Parent's House***

Monday, February 15, 2010


年三十 ( 团圆饭), 13/02/2010

The last day of the old year in Chinese called “Chu Xi Ye” 除夕夜. As usual, this year we were having our reunion lunch at home as mummy had prepared all delicious dishes - Steam Chicken, Deep Fried Fish, Fried Prawn, Soup of the day and Stir Fried Veges. Eugene: '嫲嫲 served me a BIG Drumstick.'

年初一, 14/02/2010

恭喜发财! 恭喜发财!Today is the first day of Chinese New Year which is also same day as Valentine’s day 14th February 2010. In the early morning, we went to 定慧居 to have our breakfast. After breakfast, we paid a visit to 姑姑's house after that we went to 四舅's house. We had our dinner at 大姨's house.

年初二, 15/02/2010

Today was a busy day 1) 姑姑 invited us to have lunch at 'Kok Thai Restaurant' 2) back to my parent's house, my auntie's house and my grandma's house. Eugene collected lots of 'Ang Bau' from all the relatives.

年初三, 16/02/2010

The third day of Chinese new Year, we were relaxing at home as last 2 days was a tiring and busy day to do our '拜年'. In the afternoon, I attended a schoolmate's gathering at Kopitiam, Ipoh Padang Besar. Our 4th uncle and family were paid a visit to us at night while Eugene was dating with 'Chou Gong'.

年初四 - 年初七, 17-20/02/2010

We all preferred to stay at home with air-conditioned due to the extremely hot weather outside. This few days, we just spent our time at home and waiting for someone to visit us. :o) 1) Eugene's nanny and uncle were paid a visit to us and chit chatting at home. 2) 阿姨,苗姐,鸣姐and妞妞came to our house 拜年。3) Cousin brothers also paid a visit to us during the day. 4) we attended Michelle's Birthday Party.

年初八, 21/02/2010

We went to '玉皇宫' to do praying and 作福. The weather was HOT and the temple was full of peoples. Woohoo....we get it done in 2 hours time. After the praying, we back to my parent's house and have lunch together at 強記 Restaurant.

***Today is last day of my holidays and need to back to work tomorrow...the good time is passing fast! I really enjoyed my holidays with my family....although unwilling to back to work but have no other choice and have to do...:0(***

Thursday, February 4, 2010

2010 FIFA World Cup

The world Cup finals come to Africa for the first time as South Africa hosts the 2010 FIFA World Cup (19th FIFA World CUp). It is scheduled to take place between 11 June and 11 July 2010 in South Africa.

Eugene has dressed up for the games! Now it’s time for him to show the world what South Africa’s made of, and now a lot of people can see me.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Telephone = Bibiphone??

When Kevin's phone is ringing....Eugene will run towards to the phone's ringing sound and pick up the phone by saying 'Daddy, bibiphone...bibiphone...bibiphone'
Mummy: 'bibiphone? Gene, is Telephone not bibiphone. ^-^

When you pass the phone to Eugene...He will act like this
Hello,.....How are you? Ar ar ar.....oh oh oh....

I love to give a call to Eugene daily and he can recognized my voice on the phone and straight calling me: Mimi...mimi....How are you? I like to hear my son's lovely voice.