On 11th May 2010, afternoon. My hphone rang..."Dear, I received the fax from our TM and the Exxon Mobil's SSOY annual dinner is confirmed at Berjaya Time Square Hotel on 14th May 2010."..." Why so short notice one?"..."We bring Eugene together for this trip, okay?"...I hate anything unplanned and last minutes.
The fax messages as below: 1) Check in hotel start at 3pm. 2) Check out on 15th May 12 noon. 3) Dealer needs to pay RM150 to hotel during check out. 4) Check in counter at level 14. 5) Follow the 'SSOY AWARD NITE" direction. 6) The title of the night is COLOUR. Please wear colorful dress 7) Please be prepared to go on stage to receive the award if your name is called. 8) Have FUN!
We arrived at Berjaya Time Square Hotel at 3pm. Eugene was having fun to walk around and playing Peek-A-Boo at the hotel reception area while daddy is queuing for the check in.
We were given a spacious superior room with a comfortable living area that overlooks the city skyline. A small kitchen where fully equipped with modern amenities, a separate shower and long bath.
The 'SSOY AWARD NITE 2010' was held at Time Square Manhattan Ballroom. The dinner started late about 845pm and ended at 12am. There are few performance presented between the dinner. We did not manage to get any awards this year. :o( More affords need to given on our station in order to achieve next year award - travel to SPAIN! My man jokes at me that it’s good bed time for me to dream about my SPAIN tour. kekeke....
My lil one gives everyone a morning call in early 7am. We have been forced to wake up and get ready for our breakfast.
Pic 1: Eugene is very 'Keh Po' to press the lift down button and make the sound 'Deng' when the lift is arrived our floor.
Pic 2: Eugene is followed the instruction given by mummy - 1) need to be quiet inside the lift. 2) need to hold our hands whenever you go. 3) need to stand straight without walk around inside the lift.
Eugene has different varieties of bread for his breakfast. Eugene said: 'eat bread ar...put butter ar....eat bread oh, good hor'. 'orange juice, orange juice...' Eugene slowly sipped at his favourite orange juice. We walked around to the facilities of the hotel - pool side and children's playground.
We were straight back to Ipoh after check out the hotel at 12pm. Although this trip was rush and short, Eugene rewarded me by behaving really well for the entire trip. When Eugene is happy, I am happy!
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