Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Eugene speaks Malay

Can you imagine a lil one and half year boy can speak Malay? The way he pronouns the Malay's word with cutie tone it really amazes me. hehehe....Yes, my lil boy communicates with our indon's maid by using Malay languages.

1) When he doesn't know on something - Eugene tanya:"Apa itu?"

2) When he cannot do on something - Eugene balas:"Tak boleh lo"

3) When he doesn't want on something - Eugene cakap:"Tak mau"; "Bukan ini"

4) When he needs help from our maid - Eugene minta:"Kakak, tolong"; "Mau"; "Sudah lo"

5) When he want to show something - Eugene cakap:"Ini ar"

Eugene can speaks quite lots of Malay words - Naik atas, Turun bawah, Angkat, Mengantuk, Kerete, Bola and etc.

Eugene will try his best to imitate our conversation; he will repeat every single word we said. We need to be careful while talking because he is watching and copying everything we do. We want to teach him to speak in polite way by using right vocabularies, right speech patterns with right phonetic pronunciations. Mummy, another milestone for you!