Mummy always plays me same CD (Favorite Sing-A-Longs) wherever am I. ie: while bathing, while sleeping, while playing... So I have learned how to sing 2 songs from this CD - 'The ABC Song' & 'Apple and Banana'.
When 'The ABC Song' is playing, I will follow the tone and start singing: 'ae, ae, ae, ae....' :p
I love this song very much and I would like to share with everyone the full lyric of this song - 'ABCDEFG, HIJKLMNPO, QRS, TUV, WY, Y and Z, now I know my ABC, next time want you sing with me!'
*** But my little gene's lyric is a bit shorts just the 2 words 'ae, ae, ae, ae...' 'alamak!' :0( ***
When there is 'Apple and Banana' song plays, I will shouting like this: ' eat, eat, eat.....' :p The song lyric should be 'I like to eat eat eat apple and banana' repeatable for whole song.
It was really funny and entertained us when Eugene is singing on his lovely and cuties tone.
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