Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Monday, August 24, 2009


Sometimes we have a hard time to feed Eugene porridge during his lunch or dinner. He refuse to finish up his porridge and eating only half of the amount he used to eat.

Nowadays, he adapted lots of 'Master Skills' to reject to eat his porridge like below picture shown.

Masterstroke 1: To close his mouth tightly and tried to concentrate to play his toys around.

Masterstroke 2: To show the dislike face and shaking his hand togehter with head side to side blocking your way to feed him!

Masterstroke 3: To show out his tongue so that you are unable to feed him porridge into his mouth.

Masterstroke 4: To refuse swallow the porridge and keeps it inside his mouth for few minutes.

Masterstroke 5: Shake is head side to side hardly and started to shout out loudly.