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Friday, May 29, 2009

Cough, cough, cough.....

Eugene flu was getting better but he developed a cough now. I believe that Eugene cough persisted from the flu....He coughed so hard till he was so frustrated with his cough. "Oh, Bao Bei Gene, never mind you will recover very soon......"
Until today he still refuses to drink his milk. My little one is looking pale now because he is suffering from lack of appetite.

We have been given him the medication continuous about 5 days but it did not seem getting better and Gene was started sweating really bad over his body after taking the medications. It was the side effects of the medicine. So we have stopped to give him the medicines again.

We have no other choices and my mother told me we can try out the Chinese’s medicine. We gave him the "保婴丹", "惊风散"and"冬虫草散"。After taking these Chinese's medicine, his cough seem lesser and improving. Yeah....Gene, Mummy will do whatever for you as long as you can recover very sooooooon.

Hopefully his immune system is strong enough to fight with the bad bad virus.