Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Thursday, April 30, 2009

Peek-A-Boo Fun

Harlo Gene Gene.....Gene Gene Peek-A-Boo....We try to hide partially behind a chair or couch or around a corner and slowly reveal our hide, Harlo Gene Gene 'jark'..... He will laugh and squeal with great joy!!!
Eugene likes Peek-A-Boo game!!
Kiat Jie has bought Gene two "My Peekapoo Fun" board books. These book are truly magical: on alternating two-page spreads, the words "Peek A" are repeated, opposite an illustracted page with a die-cut- hole, behind which lurks a cow...."MOOooo".

Gene is enjoying to read the book and trying to grip the hole to turn the pages for answer.
Hey Gene, guess who--or--what--is peeking through the window???